Saturday, June 3, 2023

The one where they brought a dog home

Hello Dear Reader

Its been a while since my last post. Predictably life and procrastination has taken hold. I haven't given up on the blog yet. Life is full right now in a mostly good way. About a month ago we brought home an eight week old Golden Retriever named Raya. She's our second dog. We already had a two and half year old Golden named Lucy. Raya is wonderful. In the short time since we have brought her home she has grown into her personality and body. Its been a treat to see. This time in a dogs life is so quick and you never take as many photos or videos as you wish you did. 

Experiencing the puppy phase a second time. Its made me realize how much I had forgotten about what the routine is like. The getting up in the middle of the night. Not sleeping more than 5 hours. At times its felt pretty rough. Any negative feelings I have about the change in routine are fleeting though. Lucy and Raya are best friends and Lucy has become Raya's big sister/mom. We're a few weeks away from being able to take Raya out into public spaces. She has one more set of shots to go. I'm ready to get her out in the world with Katie and I and go on a few adventures. 

Life is so rich.

Lets get onto what I'm watching, reading, and playing this week. This was a big week for TV. Succession ended! Barry ended! Ted Lasso ended! (this last one really hurts.) 

To discuss Ted Lasso and what that show meant to me deserves its own post so I will save my thoughts. I will simply say. I hope we get a spin off of sorts. The world needs more feel good content like that show. 


Gundam Wing- I decided to dive back into Gundam Wing. I watched this as a teenager. This was one of my first real introductions to anime. What teenager doesn't love giant robots fighting each other. There are 49 episodes. I'm 35 episodes in and the plots a little messy. Its basically a story about child/teenage soldiers piloting giant robots called Gundams which are basically the equivalent of a WMD. (Weapon of mass destruction) fighting to protect space colonies from an earth government that is trying to dominate them. Thats basically the gist. 

It was good to take a trip down memory lane. Nostalgia is the leading cause of death of millennials. lol


Here's a bit of what I've read over the last few weeks. Check it out.


Zelda- Tears of the Kingdom- This is one of the best games I've ever played. Its permeating the culture. If you play video games or have kids you have probably heard of it. Just play it. Its fantastic. 


Macklemore Album- BEN

I'm a Macklemore fan. The Heist is one of my all time favorite albums. I had listened to BEN a few times and it didnt really stick with me. However one day a few weeks ago the song Tail Lights came on while I was driving to work and I really vibed with it. From there I spent the day listening to the entire album and as I sit here its probably my second or third favorite album this year. I'll post the album on the front page. Check it out. 

Tail Lights- Macklemore 

"The light, it was always on glowAnd when I was lost I was on the right roadTail lights ahead as I drive slowJust a right turn then I find my way home"


Go out and get some sunshine! Enjoy today's quote.

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring — it was peace.” – Milan Kundera (Author, The Unbearable Lightness of Being)

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BEN- Macklemore